Reliable Service Without The Surprise Fees

We strive to offer competitive pricing and do our utmost to be transparent with our clients. While we’re committed to providing services for the legal fees quoted, third-party costs are beyond our control—however, these fees will never be a surprise. They’re based on specific lender requirements, such as lender insurance, and we’ll let you know what to expect and the options available to you.

Urgent Notarization

We understand urgent matters arise outside of regular business hours, we make out best efforts to be available for your needs. Please fill out the format the bottom of the page and we will contact you at our earliest.

Review from Ricky Farrell

“Preet is knowledgeable, experienced, trustworthy, and caring. I have been extremely pleased with her work and plan on using her services for further legal matters. I highly recommend her to anyone who needs sound legal advice as she never fails to provide excellent service.”

Review From Randa Salameh

“Harpreet and her team at Themis Law Corporation were great in helping us out with our requests. They were very responsive, thorough and knowledgeable. They really care about their clients and their needs. Would highly recommend them!”

What We Can Help You With

  • Statutory Declarations

  • Affidavits

  • Travel Consent Letters

  • Certified true copies

  • Insurance Documents

  • Employment Letters

Our Process

Contact us by filling out our form, sending an email, or giving us a call!
We'll get in touch with you within 24 hours to set an appointment.
At our meeting, we will discuss your legal and business situation and go over the legal services required.
Once we understand what your business needs, we can begin working on solutions to your problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the diffference between a lawyer and a notary public?

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How Much Do You Charge Per Notarized Document?

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Legal Assistance Is a Form Away

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